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Our services

Fact about us:

I We were first founded in 2012, filling needs for different industries.

Start project:


Watching the rise of the Ontario microbrewery industry exploded onto the scene. This industry growth has been exciting for us as many others. Many operators have discovered starting breweries from off the shelf parts is just not possible for many installations. We offer custom solutions that both meet needed quality and function.

Brewing Industry Overview

Top services for microbrew operations

  • Sanitary piping
  • Food Grade Pumps installation and Service
  • Consulting and Preventative maintenance
  • Equipment moving and installation
  • Stainless Steel carts / tools
  • Custom Stainless Fabrication
  • Technical requirements
  • CIP system


Equipment Installation

  • We work with major manufacturers all over the world to install equipment at breweries in Southern Ontario. Its our experience that many of the largest producers of industrial brewing equipment have limited expertise available for installations, this is often most true for manufacturers in Europe and Asia.

    We service all of Southern Ontario, whether is just moving purchased equipment into position, installing tanks or helping configure layouts with manufacturers before equipment is even purchased.

  • User manual, Preventive Maintenance Guide, Parts guide included in all major projects

Custom Sanitary Piping


  • Most new breweries in Southern Ontario are retrofits into previously used industrial spaces, while its excellent for appearance it nearly always leads to the need for custom piping solution to work around architectural limitation.
  • We've put the time in with brewmasters to explore methods that work for their unique setups.
  • User manual, Preventive Maintenance Guide, Parts guide included in all major projects

INdustrial Sanitary Piping


  • Sanitary Food Grade Piping
  • Stainless Steel
  • Design, Fabrication and installation
  • User manual, Preventive Maintenance Guide, Parts guide included in all major projects

Clean in Place (CIP) System


  • Food grade quality requires constant powerful cleaning often.
  • Custom systems built from Stainless Steel
  • Design, Fabrication and installation
  • User manual, Preventive Maintenance Guide, Parts guide included in all major projects